The Uncomfortable Necessity Of Gratitude

JD Nolen
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2015


gratitude image

Gratitude. An important word to keep in mind this month. Here is an article I wrote on that word for this month’s edition of Mindful Matters.

But moving into a state of gratitude reminds us that our path in life is not all directly due to ourselves.

The article covers how hard gratitude can be, but it is still very necessary in our lives. And it also has a link to one of my favorite TED talks on the connection between gratefulness and happiness from Brother David Steindl-Rast. You must watch that video! One of my favorites.

Read full article here:



JD Nolen is an engineer, a physician, and an author. He is a struggling human otherwise and is always a sucker for a good cheeseburger.